w Halloween: 5 dolcetti che vi faranno amare dai ragazzini - IFA

5 Halloween treats that will make kids love you

October 27, 2016

Okay, we have to take note: unfortunately, for the past few years, the North American tradition of celebrating witch's night has taken hold in our country as well, and many kids, whether accompanied by an unfortunate parent or not, come knocking on our doors asking the fateful question: trick or treat?

No point in pretending not to be at home, the kids still apply the dichotomy and move on to the prank, which at best consists of flour thrown at the front door. Flour that someone then has to sweep off the landing (no, the accompanying parent will not do it).

There is a lot of joking around with the occult on Halloween., death and all the infernal and even satanic symbolism. Sociologists say it serves to exorcise ancestral fears of the long winter night, etc. etc. For the Catholic Church, they are rituals of light Satanism that serve to de-Christianize popular culture. For those who, like the editor of this article, if they see a zombie movie they have nightmares for a month, it is simply a manifestation of Americans' strange sense of humor.

Since it now seems clear that Resisting this rising tide is a feat comparable to that of Don Quixote against windmills, here are five recipes that will enable you to get by with little and look like a modern, nice, easygoing person. Don't be surprised if the treats look a bit ghoulish-it's part of the stylistic register of the holiday, we say. Kids expect it and indeed, they will be immensely delighted and amused by it, go find out why.

5 easy-to-make Halloween treats to keep neighborhood kids happy

Freshly ripped eye candy - http://www.dolci.it/ricette/pasticceria/1391-occhi-di-halloween

Skull-shaped cookies - http://ricette.giallozafferano.it/Biscotti-teschio.html

Winking pumpkin cookies - http://ricette.pourfemme.it/articolo/biscotti-di-zucca/13783/

Owl cupcakes - http://www.ricettedellanonna.net/cupcake-civetta-al-cioccolato/

Spider-shaped cookies - http://www.ricettedellanonna.net/ragnetti-di-halloween/

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