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Online Food PR and Press Office Course

The Food PR and Press Office Course is designed to provide the skills and knowledge needed to effectively manage industry press relations, promote and maintain the image of the companies you work for.


PR in the food sector manages and promotes the image and reputation of companies, restaurants, chefs, food products or events related to the world of gastronomy.

For this reason, he is a key figure in the industry who can find employment in corporate press offices in media agencies or create a freelance career.

Online Food PR and Press Office Course



To enter the Food PR and Press Office Course, it is preferable to have a bachelor's degree or equivalent, have a flair for writing and/or experience in the restaurant industry.

Knowledge of English is a requirement.


Private Certificate of Course Attendance

Certificate of Project Work


PROPEDEUTICS: text-based study and online platform;

CLASSROOM PHASE.: 24 hours online live streaming

PROJECT WORK. (optional)

CAREER GUIDANCE: Curriculum reworking and dissemination in the region of residence.

Online Food PR and Press Office Course


Introduction to press office and Pr in the restaurant world
Why the figure of the press office is important in the restaurant industry

Communication and public relations management:

  • Customer approach
  • Goal identification and analysis
  • Relationship with industry media
  • Principles of communication

The Construction of the Media Kit

  •  The importance of a media kit
  • Writing a press release, the importance of how to do it
  • Distribution of CS
  • Construction of media kit ( visual and informational materials)

Event Management

  • Press event organization
  • Press invitation management: group or one-to-one
  • Planning and logistics
  • Press conferences, openings, tastings

Social Media for PR

  • The Dissemination of News on Major Platforms
  • Content Creation

Digital PR and influencers: collaborations

  • Analysis report and results
  • The Indicators of Analysis and Results
  • How to create the of detailed reports for clients
  • Analysis of results


Successful campaigns in the food and hotellerie industry


Born in Bruneck moves from the pristine mountains to the metropolis of Milan to land in Franciacorta.
Wine lover, AIS certified, good fork, attested from birth.
With more than 10 years of experience as a consultant in Digital Marketing for the Food&Wine sector, Cristina holds a Master's degree in Digital Communication and has a background of university studies in Art Markets and Tourism.
He has worked with numerous companies and communication agencies, helping to define effective marketing strategies for the Food&Wine sector.

Sicilian DOC and lover of social networks, Alba founded her blog Vasa Vasa Kitchen driven by a passion for sweets and good food. After specializing in marketing, she obtains the title of pastry chef. Today she collaborates with many companies in the food sector, creating exclusive recipes for them.

Valentina Zaniboni, aka The Adhd Organizer, Professional Food and Kitchen Organizer.
Born among pots, ladles and flour, daughter of three generations of restaurateurs learns the art of cooking and catering and unites it inextricably with that of business organization and international transportation. Adhd in DNA, she learns and studies professional kitchen planning and management techniques to help those with different needs to experience the kitchen. She firmly believes that order and organization are the tools to be able to develop creativity and find the key to a kitchen even for divergent neuros. Because if it is not inclusive, it cannot be complete!

originally from Callao in Peru , settled in Bassano del Grappa for 24 years.Graduated from the academy of professions D.I.E.F.F.E in the year 2017 as a beersommelier , I start the
my path in the managerial management of a Pub\ brewery in small Aosta, working with the most
important breweries on the Italian and non-Italian scene such as Canediguerra, Brewfist ,Birra Elvo, Birra120, De Glazen
Toren, to name a few.
After various experiences around northern Italy , I consecrate my path becoming Maitre di Sala in Alta
Badia managing the beer\food\ part of the Hotel Lech da Sompunt .

I made craft beer , first my passion and then my job, with an increasing desire to
getting to know the same styles , but with different footprints, unknown styles , old and new, listening and learning
by those who , with the brewing world, were born into it and are making its history.

beer enthusiast for several years is co-author of the Atlas of the
Italian Breweries and the recent guidebook "Beer Tourism, a Guide for Travelers in Ferment."
tasting lecturer for ITS Agribusiness for Piedmont and in a variety of other courses,
contributor to "Birra Nostra Magazine" and "Fermento Birra Magazine," editor of the
International "IGA Beer Challenge" competition and judge in brassic competitions

Among the founders and brewmaster of the craft brewery Beer 100Venti. Biersomellier Doemens Akademie, General Certificate in Brewing and Diploma in Brewing student at Insititute of Brewing and Distilling in London..

Liliana D'Urso, who was born in Venaria Reale and has lived in Turin, embarked on her culinary journey at the Istituto Alberghiero di Torino, where she graduated. Her initial passion for cooking took a turn when she discovered new interests in the world of fashion and art, which further sharpened her creativity. This evolution led to a temporary career change, but it did not dampen her love for gastronomy.
The turning point came when she met a chef who brought her back to the restaurant world, renewing her dedication to the culinary arts. That meeting, which occurred nearly two decades ago, marked the beginning of a new phase in her life. Today, Lilli has not only married that man, but together they have built a family with three children and developed significant skills in event and catering management.
With a unique combination of artistic sensibility and culinary expertise, together with the Dali training team, Lilli is able to create dishes that are not only visually appealing but also gastronomically innovative.
Her ability to fuse aesthetics and flavor has given rise to a new path, that of leavened goods, drawing from Mom Giovanna's back ground she began to interpret classic Sunday pizza pans into culinary offerings that capture the essence of her experience and passion.
This holistic approach to cooking has not only enriched his professional life, but has also given him the opportunity to begin delivering amateur training for novices and enthusiasts in the world of leavening.
His commitment to his craft is an example of how passion, when fueled by meaningful experiences and encounters, can flourish into a successful career. Her story is a reminder that a person's career path can take many directions, but with dedication, desired goals can be achieved.

Son of Art, specializing in Enology and Viticulture. Undergraduate studies in Business Administration with specialization in Marketing of Wine Products.
Oenological consultant with many years of experience gained in different production realities (Feudi di San Gregorio, Amastuola, Tinazzi, etc.). University lecturer in in-depth courses on various oenological topics. Expert in
wine and grape analysis laboratory, collaborated for 5 years with the Istituto Sper. Di Vitic. Di Conegliano Veneto (Dir. Prof. A.
Calò) and with the Istituto Sper. Di Enologia of Asti (Dir. Prof. R. Di Stefano).
Speaker at several technical seminars on oenological topics.
Founder and sole director of Offwine.

Document generated on 04/07/2024 the latest information on the training course are available online at this link: https://italianfoodacademy.com/en/corsi/corso-per-pr-e-ufficio-stampa-per-il-food/

Excellence is now more affordable

Thanks to the Chef Bonus you can get a credit of up to 6,000 euros for expenses incurred in 2021 and 2022 for your professional training.  

Starting February 27, 2023, it will be possible to apply to the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy for the Chef Bonus.


Bonus Chef 2023 consists of a 40% tax credit (up to a maximum of 6,000 euros) recognized on expenses related to the restaurant industry for individuals engaged in the activity of professional chef at hotels and restaurants.


- you must have incurred, between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2022, one or more of the expenses deemed eligible for the benefit

- one must be a resident or established of the state territory;

- Applicants must be in the full enjoyment of civil rights.


- Purchase of durable capital goods (high energy class machinery for food storage, processing, processing and cooking, professional tools and equipment for catering)

- Participation in professional development courses.


The 40% credit can be used for offsetting by F24, which must be submitted to the Internal Revenue Service. The credit is exempt from IRPEF and IRAP. 

It is also possible to assign the credit with the transfer of the facility to other parties, including credit institutions and other financial intermediaries. 

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