w Corsi e master online nel settore food - Italian Food Academy

Study from home with Italian Food Academy's online courses and master's degrees

October 13, 2020

Do you want become a food and wine critic or a wine marketing expert? Are you a personal food shopper and you want to specialize in this area or you would like to working in Food&Beverage Management?
Today, with the Italian Food Academy's online courses and master's degrees, you can take care of your training from home, without having to move and with the guarantee of having the same quality as a classroom course.
More and more people are choosing to acquire skills delivered through distance learning systems because the benefits are numerous.

1. The teaching materials

Those enrolled in an online course can receive all course materials directly to their PCs, which may consist of videos, PowerPoint presentations, PDF documents or other formats, and these materials are always available.

2. Real-time interaction

Online courses give the opportunity to interact in real time with teachers or other learners.

3. The program and certificates

I masters and online courses from Italian Food Academy they present the same syllabus as the classroom courses, and at the end of the courses, certificates or certificates are issued that are equal in value to those of the standard courses.

4. Zero transportation costs

With online pathways, transportation costs to travel to the classroom are reduced to zero; safety for one's own health and that of others, dictated by effective distancing, also increases.

5. More comfort

The learning environment is much more comfortable.

6. More time available

The online mode allows participants to organize their time, especially if there are special work or family needs.

7. Recordings for a review

In addition, it is always possible to review the recordings and thus be able to resume parts of the lecture, should you want to do a repeat of the topics covered.

8. Quality is assured

The quality of the program and faculty is assured even if the course delivery is online. And it is precisely in these cases that the quality of a course or master's degree is most noticeable.

The Italian Food Academy's proposal: masters and online courses in the food sector

Italian Food Academy created 4 online pathways in the food industry to allow those who want to become a professional to be able to take care of their training from home without sacrificing educational quality.

The courses, taught by the best teachers and with constantly updated programs are:

To receive all information on programs, modalities, faculty and facilities, simply fill out the appropriate contact forms on the course pages or contact Italian Food Academy, by clicking here.

Want more information about our master's degrees and courses?


Excellence is now more affordable

Thanks to the Chef Bonus you can get a credit of up to 6,000 euros for expenses incurred in 2021 and 2022 for your professional training.  

Starting February 27, 2023, it will be possible to apply to the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy for the Chef Bonus.


Bonus Chef 2023 consists of a 40% tax credit (up to a maximum of 6,000 euros) recognized on expenses related to the restaurant industry for individuals engaged in the activity of professional chef at hotels and restaurants.


- you must have incurred, between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2022, one or more of the expenses deemed eligible for the benefit

- one must be a resident or established of the state territory;

- Applicants must be in the full enjoyment of civil rights.


- Purchase of durable capital goods (high energy class machinery for food storage, processing, processing and cooking, professional tools and equipment for catering)

- Participation in professional development courses.


The 40% credit can be used for offsetting by F24, which must be submitted to the Internal Revenue Service. The credit is exempt from IRPEF and IRAP. 

It is also possible to assign the credit with the transfer of the facility to other parties, including credit institutions and other financial intermediaries. 

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