Molecular Kitchen: sweet yolk recipe

November 23, 2018
uovo dolce cucina molecolare italian food academy

From the Handbook of Molecular Cooking by Anne Cazor and Christine Liènard, with the 20 techniques and 40 recipes, used in our Graduate courses in Molecular Cooking, we extrapolate a very interesting recipe:

67° C egg yolk spheres and vanilla crystals

The ingredients for 32 candies and 4 people:

  • 4 yolks
  • 15 g sugar
  • preparation time: 15 minutes
  • cooking time: 1 to 2 hours
  • 30 minutes rest


With the immersion heater

Gently place the raw yolks in a freezer bag, then immerse it in the water tray of the immersion heater, set to 67° C.
Bake for at least 1 hour, then let cool to room temperature.

In a low-temperature oven

Place whole eggs, directly in their cardboard container, in a low-temperature oven set to 67° C. Bake at least 2 hours. Run the eggs under cold water and allow to cool to room temperature.
Crack the eggs as if they were fresh and recover the yolks.

The sweet yolk

Remove the skin from each yolk. Cut the yolks in half, then each half into 4 (so that you get 8 pieces from each yolk).
Prepare spheres and wrap them in vanilla sugar.
Serve immediately.


The yolks are cooked at 67° C. At this temperature, the yolk proteins are not all coagulated. This results in a yolk with the consistency of pomade, which is malleable and spreadable.

Variation of the recipe

Process the yolk at 67° C to give it various shapes: square, quenelle, tube, etc.
For shaping, but also for stuffing, spreading, etc.
Explore, then, the wide range of egg protein coagulation temperatures, (65° C, 66° C, 67° C, 68° C, etc...), to achieve various textures, of the albumen as well as the yolk.

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Excellence is now more affordable

Thanks to the Chef Bonus you can get a credit of up to 6,000 euros for expenses incurred in 2021 and 2022 for your professional training.  

Starting February 27, 2023, it will be possible to apply to the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy for the Chef Bonus.


Bonus Chef 2023 consists of a 40% tax credit (up to a maximum of 6,000 euros) recognized on expenses related to the restaurant industry for individuals engaged in the activity of professional chef at hotels and restaurants.


- you must have incurred, between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2022, one or more of the expenses deemed eligible for the benefit

- one must be a resident or established of the state territory;

- Applicants must be in the full enjoyment of civil rights.


- Purchase of durable capital goods (high energy class machinery for food storage, processing, processing and cooking, professional tools and equipment for catering)

- Participation in professional development courses.


The 40% credit can be used for offsetting by F24, which must be submitted to the Internal Revenue Service. The credit is exempt from IRPEF and IRAP. 

It is also possible to assign the credit with the transfer of the facility to other parties, including credit institutions and other financial intermediaries. 

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