Food Pairing with coffee: discover the art of pairing with Italian Food Academy

March 22, 2024

Every year, more than 400 billion cups of coffee, making it the world's most popular drink. Not surprisingly, then, considerable time and energy has been devoted to discovering the best combinations that highlight and complement the wide range of flavor profiles found in a good cup of coffee.

The deliciously complex taste of coffee opens up a world of possibilities for food pairings excellent, following some basic rules. 

The art of food pairing with coffee represents an exciting new frontier in the world of gastronomy, a still largely unexplored territory rich in potential. In this context, the doors are opened to a universe of surprising pairings, elevating the coffee from a simple conclusion to the meal to the star of innovative gastronomic combinations. And more and more restaurants of a certain level are offering tasting menus with coffee paired with the various courses.

The journey into the world of food pairing with coffee involves a holistic approach to the world's most beloved and consumed beverage, which becomes an ideal complement to any type of dish, from northern European dishes consumed with filter coffee at lunchtime to bolder, more sophisticated options.

How to make a food-coffee pairing? Some rules to keep in mind

The secret of a pairing successful lies in balancing the elements of concordance and contrast, following principles similar to those used for wine. This approach considers aspects such as sweetness, structure, the coffee persistence, suggesting pairings that can enhance or balance the flavors of the dish. 

Whether emphasizing sweetness with natural coffees or contrasting the fattiness of certain foods with coffees with marked acidity, each combination is designed to enrich the taste experience.

However, theart of food pairing with the coffee doesn't stop there. Exploring pairings by contrast opens up endless possibilities, such as balancing particularly fatty dishes with light, acidic coffees or accompanying sweet dishes with medium roasted coffees, prioritizing quality and aromatic complexity. 

This sensitivity to thebalance between food and coffee not only enriches the gastronomic landscape but also promotes a new coffee awareness As a versatile and complex ingredient.

Food pairing with coffee: the most popular and unusual pairings

  1. With fruit 

Berries (Strawberries, Raspberries): a basic rule of thumb for most berries is to pair them with coffees from Kenya, Ethiopia or Uganda, where the fruity notes of the coffee enhance the flavors of the berries. 

Blueberries: unlike other berries, blueberries pair best with coffees with a slightly more substantial body, such as those from Yemen and Jamaica. Peaches, Plums, and Apricots pair perfectly with coffees from Tanzania and Haiti, whose beans have natural stone fruit notes to accentuate. Fruit tart is a dessert that calls for dark roasted coffees from Brazil and Costa Rica, whose strong, bold flavor counteracts the tart's acidity.

Fruit Crepes combine beautifully with Kenyan or Haitian coffees, whose fruity flavor profile enhances fruit flavors.

  1. With chocolate

The chocolate pairs well with virtually everything, including various coffees from Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Kona, and Mexico. Dark Chocolate pairs best with Brazilian coffee, with both flavors intense but complementary. Milk Chocolate pairs excellently with Colombian, Kenyan, Sumatran, Yemeni, Ethiopian, and Kona coffees, whose fruity flavors harmonize with the sweetness of milk chocolate. White chocolate should be paired with Colombian, Costa Rican and Yemeni coffees, preferring lighter roasts. Chocolate cakes pair well with most coffees, especially medium or dark coffees, and are especially tasty with chocolaty Guatemalans. 

Although, then, chocolate pairs well with most coffees, chocolate crepes find their perfect match with Colombian coffee, whose roasted, chocolaty flavor matches the sweetness of the crèpe.

  1. With bread

Wheat bread: for lovers of this bread, we recommend pairing it with coffees from Guatemala, Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru or Colombia. Sweet breads pair well with Colombian, Costa Rican, Kenyan, or Kona coffees, which enhance their sweetness. Fruit Scones go well with Yemeni, Kenyan and Haitian coffees, bringing out the subtle sweetness of the scones. Donuts and Croissants go with any coffee.

  1. With cheeses

Cheese, butter, and cream are to be paired with coffee from Sumatra, Java, India, Kona, or Papua New Guinea.

4. Spicy Food

They are paired with cold coffees from Nicaragua, Costa Rica or Honduras. The contrast between the spiciness of the food and the freshness of the cold coffee creates a surprising pairing.

  1. Savory Crepes

This type of food pairs well with full-bodied Pacific Island coffees, where the rich flavors but light textures of crepes find their complement in coffee.

6. With meat

Yes, it is possible to enjoy meat with coffee, especially dark roasted coffees (preferably from Sumatra, Papua New Guinea, India or the Dominican Republic), which can hold their own against the full flavors and texture of the meat.

The famous savory breakfast Americana is paired with medium roasted coffees from Costa Rica, which can stand out without dominating.

7. With omelettes.

The ideal pairing is with coffees from Java, Sumatra, and Indonesia, which complement the flavor profile for a complete sense of breakfast.

These pairings represent only the tip of the iceberg, but they offer a starting point for designing a coffee tasting experience that satisfies the palate. A great tasting experience requires creativity, but as in all creative endeavors, a few rules can help guide the process.

Become a Food Pairing Expert

For those who are looking for a Deeper understanding and advanced skills in food pairing with coffee, Italian Food Academy proposes a cutting-edge training course. The Course in advanced food pairing represents an unmissable opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to master this fascinating field. Through a combination of theoretical and practical lessons, students will be guided in discovering the endless pairing possibilities, learning how to create memorable gastronomic experiences.

The invitation, therefore, is to immerse yourself in this unique sensory journey, exploring the'art of food pairing with coffee Both through personal experimentation and through the professional training offered by Italian Food Academy. The promise is to reveal new gustatory horizons and contribute to cultural and professional growth in the field of coffee gastronomy and sommellerie.

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Excellence is now more affordable

Thanks to the Chef Bonus you can get a credit of up to 6,000 euros for expenses incurred in 2021 and 2022 for your professional training.  

Starting February 27, 2023, it will be possible to apply to the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy for the Chef Bonus.


Bonus Chef 2023 consists of a 40% tax credit (up to a maximum of 6,000 euros) recognized on expenses related to the restaurant industry for individuals engaged in the activity of professional chef at hotels and restaurants.


- you must have incurred, between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2022, one or more of the expenses deemed eligible for the benefit

- one must be a resident or established of the state territory;

- Applicants must be in the full enjoyment of civil rights.


- Purchase of durable capital goods (high energy class machinery for food storage, processing, processing and cooking, professional tools and equipment for catering)

- Participation in professional development courses.


The 40% credit can be used for offsetting by F24, which must be submitted to the Internal Revenue Service. The credit is exempt from IRPEF and IRAP. 

It is also possible to assign the credit with the transfer of the facility to other parties, including credit institutions and other financial intermediaries. 

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