Vegan cooking: an important skill for everyone

March 20, 2024

La sustainability and awareness environmental are the focus of global attention, especially in recent times. In such a context, the vegan cuisine emerges not only as a food trend, but as an ethical, health and anti-waste imperative.
This culinary evolution, based on the'exclusion of products of animal origin, is gaining increasing acceptance for its benefits, emphasizing the importance of both individual and collective change in our lifestyles and consumption.

Vegan cuisine represents more than just a food choice today. It is a philosophy of life, a statement of ethical and environmental principles, and a testament to the central role that food plays in protecting the health and sustainability of the planet.
For the chefs e catering professionals, it therefore becomes essential to deepen The techniques and potential of vegan cooking, to meet the needs of an industry in which customers are proving to be increasingly sensitive to certain issues and increasingly demanding, where this need is the result of an awareness that requires a concrete response.

An ethical and environmental choice

Vegan cuisine stands as a direct response to the problems associated with intensive livestock farming and the livestock industry, which have been widely criticized for their ethical implications and negative environmental impact. Adopting a'vegan food therefore means not only taking stance against a diet of animal origin, but also contribute to the reduction of the ecological footprint, through a lower consumption of natural resources and a Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Cooking that's good for your health

On the health front, the vegan diet has been associated with numerous benefits, including reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer. Rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and nuts, this diet provides abundant essential nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants that are critical for maintaining health and well-being.

The imperative of reducing Food Waste.

La vegan cuisine It also promotes greater Awareness toward food waste, incentivizing the full utilization of foods and the enhancement of ingredients that are often overlooked. This aspect not only contributes to the environmental sustainability, but also to greater economic efficiency in the management of culinary resources.

The Art of Vegan Cooking: a creative and technical challenge

Learning the techniques for handling and cooking vegetables requires specific and important training. Vegan cuisine, in fact, is not limited to the simple exclusion of ingredients of animal origin, but requires creativity and expertise in developing dishes that are both nutritious, balanced and tasty. This implies a deep knowledge of the properties of plant-based ingredients and the most innovative culinary techniques to enhance flavors, textures and colors.

An opportunity for all restaurants

Vegan cuisine is not only the preserve of the vegetarian or vegan restaurants. Even restaurants offering traditional menus can benefit from integrating appealing and alternative plant-based offerings. This not only meets the growing demand from a health-conscious and sustainable clientele, but also enriches the culinary offerings with more varied and innovative options. In this context, the knowledge of vegan cooking techniques becomes a key asset for all chefs, regardless of their culinary specialty.

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Excellence is now more affordable

Thanks to the Chef Bonus you can get a credit of up to 6,000 euros for expenses incurred in 2021 and 2022 for your professional training.  

Starting February 27, 2023, it will be possible to apply to the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy for the Chef Bonus.


Bonus Chef 2023 consists of a 40% tax credit (up to a maximum of 6,000 euros) recognized on expenses related to the restaurant industry for individuals engaged in the activity of professional chef at hotels and restaurants.


- you must have incurred, between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2022, one or more of the expenses deemed eligible for the benefit

- one must be a resident or established of the state territory;

- Applicants must be in the full enjoyment of civil rights.


- Purchase of durable capital goods (high energy class machinery for food storage, processing, processing and cooking, professional tools and equipment for catering)

- Participation in professional development courses.


The 40% credit can be used for offsetting by F24, which must be submitted to the Internal Revenue Service. The credit is exempt from IRPEF and IRAP. 

It is also possible to assign the credit with the transfer of the facility to other parties, including credit institutions and other financial intermediaries. 

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